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husena. tall. talkative. troublemaker.


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just keep it thin.

Friday, May 28, 2010
you know, they say when you're feeling low and your heart is heavy, it's good to cry it out. apparently it'll make you feel better. but crying always makes me feel worse so i don't know how that works.

i've made a few revelations.

i'll start with the revelation i made while i was watching For One More Day on Hallmark. i watched it halfway and then switched it off because i got really really sick of watching that man feel sorry for himself because his mother died. yes, his mother died, he had a right to be sad. but for so many years? okay even all that is fine, his life, his choice. but seriously, just because you're depressed doesn't mean you have to drag the whole world down with you and depress them as well. i'm all into sharing your feelings when you're down, makes you feel better apparently. i'm always willing to listen to a friend who needs emotional support. but what i dislike is when the friend says this and this happened with so and so and i'm so depressed what should i do, and so you're asking for advice right? so when i give a suggestion, i honestly don't like it when the friend says oh no nothing can be done my life is over i'm dead dead dead. then why did you ask? all the negativity can be very depressing and really annoying. positive thoughts give you positive energy. so my point is, for god's sake, when things go wrong, try to be strong and positive. and if you can't, don't expect everyone around you to feel as depressed as you just because you are. besides, there're probably a gazillion people in the world with more problems than you, and if you were to switch problems with them, you'd wish you could get yours back.

my next revelation is that it is mostly better never to get your hopes up about anything. in other words, don't set any expectations, good or bad. that way, if something bad happens, you won't be completely devastated, and if something good happens, you'll be pleasantly surprised (:

of course i realise that both of these things are easier said than done, but not impossible to be done either.

any finally, i've realised that unlike most people, i don't really believe that there's always only one person in the world made for you. it could be that Allah wrote in only one person for you, but it could also be that Allah wrote in 2 or 3. and so, even if a relationship ends for whatever reason, it doesn't mean the person wasn't meant for you at all, it just means the person was meant for you, but only for that period of time in your life, not more. so when you move on and meet someone else, there's your second or third. or it could also be that Allah didn't write in anyone, then you're simply destined to be alone. but i must say that the luckiest people have to be those who have only one person written for them, one person they're meant to be with. they'll be spared from the heartache caused by the people they were meant to be with earlier when it all finally ends, and they'll also be spared from the misery caused by loneliness. they're the luckiest type of people.

i sometimes feel that my brain has somehow escaped from my skull and has splattered itself everywhere, explaining why my thoughts are usually all over the place, much like today.

i cried a little. but hey, that's an improvement from a lot right? (:

Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Monica: Look, Joey feels really bad for what happened. He thinks you hate him. He wants to move to Vermont.
Ross: I don't hate him. It's just... You know what, I'll go talk to him. It's not his fault.
Monica: Thank you. He already asked me where he could exchange his dollars for Vermont money.

you gotta love Friends (: