about me
husena. tall. talkative. troublemaker.


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Friday, April 23, 2010
that's a kill shot!
date night was GREAT!! haha it's slightly dirty and kinda crude but it's still super funny (:

my watch strap broke ): the one that jiju gave me ): i'm upset ):

Monday, April 19, 2010
you know what the best thing about alfie kulfi is? she never openly admits that she cares, but all her indirect gestures really warm my heart (: i love you kulfi, and even though you insist you don't like to be called kulfi, you're still my kulfi.

in other news, i read The Inheritance of Loss. best. book. ever!! god i don't even know where to start. at first i was like what in the world is this book talking about? wayyy too deep. but as i persevered on, gosh it is one wonderful read. i mean the way Kiran Desai has put the book together, woven different storylines so beautifully, it's sheer genius!!

and in other other news, ALIFIYA ZAKIR IS THE BEST PHOTOGRAPHER IN THE WORLD. i swear she makes such simple shots look so breathtaking!! i love you babe (:

and in other other other news, i just had my first driving lesson!! fun (: can't wait for more!

Saturday, April 3, 2010
definitely dubai
that's the tourism slogan for Dubai haha i just found out.

Dubai was AWESOME. here are the highlights:

- i got to ride in Bhen's awesome new car (:
- i watched 5 movies in 17 days hahaha
- i got to see the gorgeous Burhani Masjid
- daddy came to surprise Bhen (:
- i got to eat so many things i don't get in Singapore! like cinnabons (: and baskin robbins (:
- i got to hang out with Masi haha and she says and does the most amusing things the whole day x)
- i went shooting, and i got to use a real gun with real ammunition! AWESOME.
- i got to see Bhen's office (:
- i got to argue with my Jiju everyday hahahaha
- i got to watch an air race! planes flying right in front of my face. AWESOME.

i miss Bhen so so so much ): and Dubai in general too. thank you mummy daddy, for sending me (: it's very true, my parents are as awesome as they get.

i've used the word awesome way too many times in this post (:

you want pictures, go to facebook haha lazy to upload again.