about me
husena. tall. talkative. troublemaker.


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Sunday, May 31, 2009
holidays, finally
yes the holidays are finally here! i was starting to get seriously sick of school so this is just perfect. and my foot's healed too so everything is just falling nicely in place. okay i've carefully planned out my holidays, so these are a few things i shall do:

1. install my webcam
2. study
3. skype with Bhen
4. study
5. cut my hair
6. study
7. file my papers
8. study
9. clean my cupboard
10. study

i think my plan is perfect x) anyway, this week has been rather eventful.

1. GP exam

if i'm honest with myself, i know it didn't go as well as the earlier CT, but let's just cross our fingers and hope for the best shall we?

2. Batul's misaq jaman

misaq is like a coming-of-age ceremony, you could say. and Batul is my cousin!

batul! looking as gorgeous as ever =)

3. Dance India Dance Grand Finale

SALMAN WON =) and i feel that he totally deserved it because the slogan said "Sabse Bade Dancing STAR Ki Khoj", and not "Sabse Bade DANCER Ki Khoj". (this means "the search for India's biggest dancing star, not India's biggest dancer") and Salman was really the entire package. but i think Jai didn't deserve to get fourth, he was a gazillion times better than Siddhesh! anyway, the show has come to a conclusion, and so i decided to post a few of my favourite dances up. enjoy =)

Alisha & Mayuresh - Pyar Ki Yeh Kahani Suno

Bhavna - Mahi Ve

Mayuresh - Dil Se

Jai - Aadat

Salman - Zara Si

4. Bugis Junction

husena finally has a proper pair of flip flops everyone! that too after her foot healed x) not very smart x) anyway, guess who i saw at Bugis Junction today! Adrian Pang x) he was paying at the cashier at some shop, when Alef saw him and exclaimed "look it's Adrian Pang!" to which he turned and nodded slightly in acknowledgement x)

okay, i'm off to install my webcam now x)

Monday, May 25, 2009
silence! i kill you
okay seriously, this is only funny for people who know who's Achmed x)

in other news, Bryden insisted i take a picture of him on his throne.
(it was a huge hole in the wall with a chair in it.)

Bryden is mad.

Saturday, May 23, 2009
just my luck
guess whose foot thought it'd be funny to get inflamed AGAIN and spoil more than a year of difficultly attained happy co-existence?

yes, mine.

dear Foot,
i've warned you time and again to check before opening the door. i warned you against Sprain, Stubbed Toe, Broken Toenail and ESPECIALLY against Sesamoiditis, but you never listen do you? you think i'm just being a naggy party pooper. so you let the biggest villain in, thinking i won't find out. does it hurt Foot? look who got the last laugh. SESAMOIDITIS.

for the clueless, i'd gotten sesamoiditis around the beginning of last year as well, and honestly, IT SUCKS. what is sesamoiditis?

Sesamoiditis is a common ailment that affects the forefoot, typically in young people who engage in physical activity like running or dancing. Its most common symptom is pain in the ball-of-the-foot, especially on the medial or inner side. The term is a general description for any irritation of the sesamoid bones, which are tiny bones within the tendons that run to the big toe. Like the kneecap, the sesamoids function as a pulley, increasing the leverage of the tendons controlling the toe. Every time you push off against the toe the sesamoids are involved, and eventually they can become irritated, even fractured. Because the bones are actually within the tendons, sesamoiditis is really a kind of tendinitis - the tendons around the bones become inflamed as well.


looks like your curse worked huiwen! i really really shouldn't have laughed at your stubbed toe. but then again, it's not my fault hannah told us the story like it was the most hilarious thing ever!

moving on.

i was dreading learning evolution for bio, because it's a very subjective topic. but i found out something very sad about the cheetah through this topic. the cheetah may be a running machine, but the species seems to be heading for extinction. apparently, the species has somehow lost its genetic variation. i took this off my bio tutorial:

As a result of intensive inbreeding generations ago, each cheetah appers to be nearly identical with every other cheetah. Genetic uniformity would hamper the ability of a species to adapt to ecological changes. Although the cheetah is the world's fastest mammal, it can only run a few hundred metres before collapsing for half an hour or more to regain its strength. During this time it can be attacked, or at least, lose its catch. Indeed, even when it is not exhausted, a cheetah is rather timid as a defender of its catch. More than half of the kill may be snatched by more aggressive lions, leopards or hyenas.

you think life is unfair? the cheetah's got it 7305650 times worse.

anyway, i went to watch the girls basketball finals on friday after school. we may have lost, but it was a really well fought game. so many times in the game i thought my heart was going to stop. the final 1.9 seconds was heartbreaking, but honestly, catching up by more than 10 points within the last 23 seconds and being left with 1.9 seconds for a three-pointer and YET not losing hope at all is in itself very very commendable. all i have left to say is WELL DONE BBALL GIRLS =)

and for yen, wow you were seriously burning the court. you played excellently and looked hot while you were at it too =) you have absolutely nothing to cry about because you know you had put in your all. and from the 09SO3B girls: we love you yen <3

Saturday, May 16, 2009
everytime you do that thing you do
god do i love that song! i keep singing it to myself x) i love happy songs, they somehow manage to bring a smile to your face, no matter how rotten the day had been. well many things have happened since i last blogged!

1. Dadima's birthday



2. Jumana's 21st

happy belated birthday to you too! hope you liked the skates =)

3. Mother's Day

alef and i (but mostly alef) made breakfast for mummy and dadima. then later we went to Mad Jack's for dinner with Shabbarbhai and family. Qaizar and Mariya were at their cutest =)


well, it didn't go as horrendously as i thought it would. and i actually managed a C for sit and reach! which is usually out of REACH for me. (please everyone, feel free to laugh at my hilarious joke) except that yesterday i was aching all over like mad, and today, something seems to have snapped in my calf, coz it's throbbing like crazy and i can't walk without cringing.

lo and behold, husena has become highly highly unfit.

Sunday, May 3, 2009
i miss you already
Bhen, i honestly cannot remember the last time i felt this miserable. sure you'll be back and all that, but only for visits! not with plans of staying. the last time you left i knew you'd be back, and you'd be staying for a longer period of time as compared to the time you spent there. but now it's for real, you've really migrated there, and i'm so selfish all i can think about is how extremely miserable i am. i'm typing this through my tears and i'll probably delete this post sooner or later because i'm not sure i'm thinking rationally typing this.

but i hope you'll be happy there, happier than you've ever been with us even! this house will never be the same without you, i know we'll adjust sooner or later but the void will always remain, and i want that void to forever remain. and even though we're so far away from each other, i hope we can still be as close as ever. and if you ever need anyone to talk to, even if the time difference does not agree, i'm always always available.

i love you, so so so much. and i miss you more than you could ever imagine.

Saturday, May 2, 2009
whirlwind of emotions
god do i love that word, whirlwind. just like i like the word sophisticated. or ribbons. they like roll of your tongue so nicely.

i am so very happy that Shabbarbhai has fixed the internet on my desktop, THANK YOU I LOVE YOU LOTS LOTS LOTS.

i am so very very annoyed with the mess on my table, i have to do something about it.

i am so very very very sad.

don't go Bhen.
