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husena. tall. talkative. troublemaker.


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Tuesday, January 27, 2009
be credit wise
and so my long 5-day holiday which started on friday (which was staff contact day or something) is coming to an end soon. i'm relatively proud of myself this chinese new year because i feel i understand a lot more of my biology topics now than i did 5 days ago, and all in time for my biology test tomorrow too! perfect. but at the same time, i feel i've neglected the rest of my subjects quite a bit. i have to catch up with the rest of the world soon! 'A' levels are scaring the crap out of me.

but anyway, now you might be wondering what in the world my blog post title has to do with anything. actually that's the title of Bhen's (my elder sister's) final year project at university, and so her group made this video reaching out to poly and uni students on being credit wise. and i personally find it utterly hilarious x) you simply HAVE to see it for yourself:

i've gotten feedback that my blog posts are rather, well, different. in the sense that i write all sorts of things, random things that happened in the day, or things that amuse me, like the video above for instance. but i hardly ever write my opinions on the things i've shared, or how i feel that day.

i do that because, well i started this blog for fun. for people to read and laugh, or for friends who don't speak to me often enough to just catch up on what's been happening on my end. i didn't start this blog so that people read it and judge me. i get enough of that in the real world, i don't think i want that in the virtual world as well.

because just like Mother Theresa once said:

"If you judge people, you have no time to love them."

(credit goes to guangyu for continually drumming this quote into my head)

but anyway, for people who are reading this, just read my posts, laugh, and then forget about it. i hardly talk much sense anyway, and i like it that way. alright, i hope you guys enjoyed the video! and to all my chinese friends, happy chinese new year!

Friday, January 23, 2009
love poem, anyone?
samuel cheng is highly amusing. he is hardly ever funny when he tries to be, but sometimes when you least expect it, he can actually make you laugh. take for instance today. we're talking on msn and he tells he's bored and he just read a very nice love poem. i say great, show it to me! and this is what it is:

A story wet as tears by Marge Piercy

Remember the princess who kissed the frog
so he became a prince? At first they danced
all weekend, toasted each other in the morning
with coffee, with champagne at night
and always with kisses. Perhaps it was
in bed after the first year had ground
around she noticed he had become cold
with her. She had to sleep
with a heating pad and down comforter.
His manner grew increasingly chilly
and damp when she entered a room.
He spent his time in water sports,
hydroponics, working on his insect
Then in the third year
when she said to him one day, my dearest,
are you taking your vitamins daily,
you look quite green, he leaped
away from her.
Finally on their
fifth anniversary she confronted him.
'My precious, don't you love me any
more?' He replied 'Rivet. Rivet.'
Though courtship turns frogs into princes,
marriage turns them quietly back.

?!!? and so in horror i continue our lovely conversation:

that's just sad.
Samuel. Impacted to impact! Radical Ignyters Of God!:
it is a love poem!
Samuel. Impacted to impact! Radical Ignyters Of God!:
just that it's not v lovely.

HAHAHA. and he actually means it! he wasn't trying to make a joke or anything. i pray everyone gets a friend like Sam. you will never feel bored again.

and by the way, if that is his definition of a love poem, hannah i feel very very VERY sorry for you.


Monday, January 19, 2009
joy to the world!
my chem test has been postponed till further notice! YAY. life rocks when the school is unsure of what it really wants x) but my bio test is still on =( oh talking about bio, i think our current lecturer is hilarious x) see we're doing the topic of inheritance now, and then she said the funniest thing in the middle of a punnet square explanation:

"so the white flower is white. (long pause) i just said something strange."

HAHA. okay it doesn't sound very funny now, but it was funny when it happened i guess. i'm just not a very good storyteller it seems!

anyway, looks like i've listened to/sung "Guzarish" from the movie Ghajini in Sarah's presence wayyy too many times. because now she even knows the first two lines! okay Sarah give it up now, i know you secretly love the song x)

oh talking about hindi songs, i heard a really nice one on the radio just now! (for those who don't know, YES, Singapore actually has a hindi radio station! it comes from 5-8pm on 96.3FM. go listen and support it! then maybe one day they'll have a full day radio station for hindi songs. i have big dreams see.) anyway, the song i heard is called "Sapno Se Bhare Naina" from a new movie called Luck By Chance. it's composed by Shankar Ehsaan Loy and sung by Shankar. so for people who like hindi songs but don't keep up with new developments in the scene much (HINT ALIFIYA HINT), maybe this'll be nice to listen to.

i only know the line "Sapno se bhare naiiiiiiiinaaaa" and i keep singing it to myself, but not very softly either x) i wonder why Alef hasn't attempted to strangle me yet.

Sunday, January 18, 2009
your stars
this is what the newspaper had to say:

aquarius Jan 21-Feb 19
Your emotional state is pretty turbulent and you might need to take time off to deal with it. See if you can talk to the right person or, at least, find some way to express yourself.

and i find this to be utter rubbish. this is what it really should have been:

The state of your academics is pretty turbulent and you might need to take time off your constant slacking to start studying. See if you can stop talking to the whole world or, at least, find some way to stop wasting time doing unproductive things such as blogging.

oh dear.

Thursday, January 15, 2009
que sarah sarah



thank you for being a wonderful classmate and friend, and for being so patient with me and my constant whining. today you turn 18 finally! (although you don't look it x) it's a compliment k!) and i can't believe you've immediately signed up for driving. but anyway, i hope you had a good day today, and it hasn't ended yet! so party away babe! i love you =)

Tuesday, January 13, 2009
seven pounds
i seem to be so free because i keep blogging x) but that's only because i have no life see. so anyway, second day of school today! wasn't as bad as yesterday thank goodness. only thing is that today Sam was in a serious 'disturb husena' mood. he gets some kind of satisfaction in getting me annoyed it seems x) but then during bio prac, although i hate to admit this, Sam did the funniest thing:

(Sam comes up to my bench and taps my shoulder)

me: what?!

(Sam sticks a stopwatch in front of my face. anticipating another attempt to annoy me, i let out an angry hiss. Sam stop the stopwatch.)

Sam: three seconds! it took you exactly 3 seconds to get angry.

HAHAHA. school sucks but my classmates are hilarious. anyway, after school Maryam, Arina, Am & i went to watch Seven Pounds! i love Will Smith, but i guess the movie was kind of disappointing because it wasn't what i had expected. it wasn't really an intelligent thinking movie, but rather a 'remain-confused-until-the-end-when-suspense-is-revealed' kind of movie. even then, the 4 of us had pretty much figured it all out before it revealed what in the world Will Smith was doing.

ah anyway i'm not happy now. it seems we have to attend flag raising and take attendance tomorrow even if we aren't involved in open house. isn't that a waste of time? i haven't decided whether i'm going to give in to this stupidity yet. i probably might in the end, and mug a bit in a quiet spot in school. mugging at home is sometimes not so productive when i have the luxury of my bed. taking naps is like my favourite pastime see.

Monday, January 12, 2009
first day of school
i remember just last week when Alef was whining about school starting, and i told her quite easily it's nothing to dread really! i've never dreaded the first day of school.

i guess i was wrong.

i dreaded this day like crazy. i drove mummy and daddy up the wall with my whining. and it didn't start off too well either when i got my timetable and i end at FIVE PM on mondays. and i have SERIOUS monday blues by the way, so having a long day on mondays AND on my first day of school resulted in a very very sore husena.

but then i have great classmates, especially the girls, so school won't be so bad i hope. like i said, i was sore, but my classmates are so hilarious sometimes it's hard to remain sore x) yen came back from taiwan recently, she had gone there with the basketball team, as well as new juniors. so she told us this story:

(yen's junior seems to be mumbling and singing something to herself on the bus.)

yen: hey, what are you doing??

her junior: oh, i'm playing Don't Forget The Lyrics with myself.

HAHAHA. and just like that i was feeling so much better already. but monday blues and the holiday mood was riding on my back throughout the day. the holidays were great, and i got to spend so much time with mummy especially. so in the middle of the day i sent an sms to mummy:

me: mummy i miss you :(

mummy: miss you too :)

and suddenly my mood was better again! mummy is the best =) but then i had 5 blocks (yes FIVE blocks) back to back after one measly 1 hour break. at the end of the day, work had accumulated like crazy already. so i just mentioned to sarah how we have so much work to complete now, and she was like yeahh. and after a while she was like, this sure doesn't feel like the first day of school!

and she's right. if the first day of school was so hectic, i can't imagine what's going to happen to me by the end of the year.

Thursday, January 8, 2009
merry belated christmas
so us minahs finally FINALLY met up for our annual Secret Santa meeting! (annual ah heehee) maryam insists that even 10 years from now we have to (drive and) meet up like with our army of kids even. yes yes i totally agree x) and so that's the 6 of us in the picture up there looking civil.

A for Amelina
M for Maryam
I for Izzah
N for Nurul
A for Arina
H for Husena

spelling AMINAH! hahaha cool right. but you see in reality we dont behave so civil:

right. the day started out quite funny because after i left the house and was crossing the zebra crossing (yes Am i can hear you say DUH it's a zebra CROSSING), this car honked at me. so i turned to glare at the driver see since it's a zebra crossing i have the right of way. but the man waved at me! and i couldn't figure out who it was. so i just walked off. but then as the car drove by me, the person honked at me again! and then waved again! and i still couldn't figure out who it was. so i got on the bus and told maryam about it and she asked for the car colour, so i was like blue. and then maryam was like OH must be Cikgu Mely! HAHA i'm such a loser.

anyway, so we met up with the rest of them at orchard and went to eat ayam penyet! first time for me la so i apologise in advance for my country bumpkin-ness. i find it so hilarious that it's called ayam penyet! and in the menu they translated it to SMASHED CHICKEN. so i ate smashed chicken for lunch x)

anyway, after that we went to Starbucks to exchange gifts, and my Secret Santa was none other than the gorgeous IZZAH!

and she knows me wayyy too well because guess what she got me? A VOODOO DOLL! just what i've wanted all my life x)

and it has the funniest things written on it x) click to enlarge and see! there're even "10 ready to stick pins" i quote x) but it's a pity i can't use it yet:

apparently i have to wait another 2 months! riiight. and then i gave my Secret Santee, Arina, her present, and it was a tiara! haha i hope you like it babe =)

anyway after that we went to take neoprints! i know right, so primary school x) but it was so much fun! and kind of stressful too coz they keep counting down and snapping pictures and only the numbers were in english, everything else was in jap x)

and now since we're all intelligent young women, we have decided that the next time we go out we shall do something intelligent, such as watching an intelligent movie. (i said intelligent 3 times!) let's hope we understand Seven Pounds when we go watch it x)

I LOVE A.M.I.N.A.H. life would be so dull without you guys.

Sunday, January 4, 2009
one could not count the moons that shimmer on her roofs
so a few things have happened since i last blogged!

1. huierh's farewell bbq at munir's

that was one crazy night. rushed there from masjid (mosque) and huierh hadn't even reached! then she finally did come and all of us talked so much crap, but then again what do you expect when 09SO3B get together. i don't have any pictures because i didn't bring my camera x) maybe huierh/sarah/cheeyang might put some up on facebook one day. and i did have that new years' resolution to start being nice so a few people deserve an apology x)

- esther! sorry for bugging you about your height x)
- sarah! sorry for bugging you about something else x)
- bryden & jeryl & guangyu! sorry for being sarcastic.
- munir! okay actually no you owe me an apology because MY NOSE IS NOT OBSECENELY LONG.

okay now that that's settled, the night went on and became quite sad when everyone finally said goodbye to huierh. i was in a rush to make my curfew so i didn't really get to say bye to her properly. huierh is leaving on a 2am flight tonight to go to UK to study. but it's okay, being positive is the way to go. she will be coming back to visit during her holidays! and there's always skype =) but i cannot deny that i'll miss you so very much, huierh. class is going to be so different without you around. and we'd gotten especially close towards the end of the year, so this sucks even more. i really hate goodbyes. but this is not a goodbye, you will be back right? =) so it's more of a take care till i see you next dear! have a safe trip, study hard, join the wine-tasting club, learn to be a lifeguard, ace the A levels, and keep in contact!! i love you huierh =)


this was on the same night as the bbq actually, so i was in a rush to leave the bbq because of this too =) and yes she's back!! and so many stories to share. the past 2 days my family has been spending most of our time sitting together listening to Bhen's stories about her trip, or Bhen listening to all the things we were doing and all the silly things we said and all the things she missed out on while she was gone. at least now she's here for 4 months! FOUR MONTHS! but then after that she'll go to dubai forever =( nevermind! i'll worry about that when the time comes x) in the meantime, i'm going to try and spend as much time as possible with her!

3. i finished reading A Thousand Splendid Suns!

like i said before, it's a gazillion time better than The Kite Runner. Khaled Hosseini really outdid himself this time. maybe i just liked it better because i am female. TKR was about Amir and Hassan, about two men stuck in circumstances through all the changes that happening in Afghanistan. ATSS, on the other hand, is about two women, Mariam and Laila. two very different women with two very different backgrounds, who suddenly find themselves stuck together as things began changing in Afghanistan, and the Taliban started oppressing women. and what started off as enemity between the two, grew into a friendship, and finally into such a strong bond, a bond that had no name for it. they helped each other through all the hardships they faced as women, because who is to help a woman if not a woman herself?

i guess i will always find a woman's pain sadder. but the oddest thing is that Khaled Hosseini is a man, why did he think of writing such a book? usually books about the hardships of oppressed women in different parts of the world are written by women themselves. and usually the women authors were the ones who were oppressed themselves. but anyway, there are a few quotes from the book i really liked:

"A man's heart is a wretched, wretched thing. It isn't like a mother's womb. It won't bleed. It won't stretch to make room for you."

"Boys, Laila came to see, treated friendship the way they treated the sun: its existence undisputed; its radiance best enjoyed, not beheld directly."

"Men are easy,' he said, fingers tapping on his mahogany desk. 'A man's plumbing is like his mind: simple, very few surprises. You ladies, on the other hand...well, God put a lot of thought into making you."

"One could not count the moons that shimmer on her roofs,or the thousand splendid suns that hide behind her walls."

and my personal favourite:

"Like a compass needle that points north, a man's accusing finger always finds a woman. Always."

Friday, January 2, 2009
as i grew older
i'm so happy now because ALIFIYA ZAKIR IS LIKE THE NICEST GIRL ON EARTH. let me explain why.

1. she lent me A Thousand Splendid Suns!
2. she listens to my nonsense everyday!
3. we think alike!
4. we have the same taste in many things!
5. she hasn't shot me in the head!

so i've started reading ATSS, and it's not like The Kite Runner, it's 41895609 times better! more about it when i'm done reading it. in the meantime, i found this lovely poem:

As I Grew Older

It was a long time ago.
I have almost forgotten my dream.
But it was there then,
In front of me,
Bright like a sun -
My dream.
And then the wall rose,
Rose slowly,
Between me and my dream.
Rose until it touched the sky -
The wall.
I am black.
I lie down in the shadow.
No longer the light of my dream before me,
Above me.
Only the thick wall.
Only the shadow.
My hands!
My dark hands!
Break through the wall!
Find my dream!
Help me shatter this darkness,
To smash this night,
To break this shadow
Into a thousand lights of sun,
Into a thousand whirling dreams
Of sun!

By: Langston Hughes

why do we grow so fast and then get consumed in our own shadows? we let the wall rise so high that we one day forget what the light of our dreams even looked like, felt like. and then we start feeling satisfied cowering in the darkness, believing that hey... it's better than nothing right?