about me
husena. tall. talkative. troublemaker.


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Sunday, March 7, 2010
Some people talk and talk
and never say a thing.
Some people look at you
and birds begin to sing.

Some people laugh and laugh
and yet you want to cry.
Some people touch your hand
and music fills the sky.

-Charlotte Zolotow

you're right jeryl haha i share way too many poems on my blog.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010
to grow up or not to grow up, that is not the question

every year my birthday comes (duh) and i'm mostly excited that people will wish me and i will feel special and my family and friends will have celebrations for me and i will get lovely presents, and i'm grateful to everyone who made the day memorable, my family, my school friends, the masjid girls, the minahs and basically everyone who bothered to remember and wish me.

but i realise that i never once thought about the fact that every birthday passing means that i not only am growing up age-wise, but maturity-wise too. but the problem is i never felt like i was growing up, i always felt like a child.

my 19th birthday has finally changed that all, and i actually feel that i've grown up, maybe quickly and maybe slightly unwillingly, but i've grown up in a true sense. i've learnt the importance of having independance, and not just hoping that someone else will get everything done. the importance of thinking for myself, the importance of having tolerance and patience, the importance of calming someone else down even if you're feeling just as frustrated or tired as the person, and most importantly, the importance of having self-respect.

my 19th is an event i will never ever forget.

and as a side note, i love you mummy, daddy, bhen, alfi kulfi, sarah, yen and os. you guys make me still wanna wake up in the morning.