about me
husena. tall. talkative. troublemaker.


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just keep it thin.

Saturday, January 23, 2010
she comes and she leaves and she comes and she leaves and i'm left waving at her from across the immigration counters. my heart screams don't go my mind says she must and in this conflict of heart and mind why do my eyes tear up like that?

why does it become more and more difficult?

why do i feel like a part of my being is leaving too?

why must dubai be so freaking far?

why can't my heart learn to accept what my mind unwillingly has?

why can't life be simpler?

Friday, January 15, 2010

A wise old owl sat in an oak,
The more he heard the less he spoke;
The less he spoke the more he heard.
Why aren't we all like that wise old bird?


bhen is here and bhabhi finally gave birth!! the baby is super small and super cute when i see him i just have to swoon haha.

just hope mummy gets well soon too.

Thursday, January 7, 2010
jeryl moments
now that my As over, obviously the time to clean out my shelves has finally come. so as i was looking through the millions of papers i've collected over the past 2 years, i found this foolscap paper headed by the title: A compilation of Jeryl Moments

it's super funny haha because it just reminded me of all the nonsense that went on in class the past 2 years. let me type out a few of the funnier ones:

(the class is going through an econs case study on the prices of tortillas in Mexico)
Mr Evans: Jeryl, can you give me one key word?
Jeryl: Uh, tortilla.

Mr Evans: It's something to do with what consumers have in their pockets. Something producers have no control over.
Jeryl: Handphone?

Jeryl: I want to be an air stewardess.
Husena: You mean air steward?
(Husena is ignored)
Jeryl: Ma'am, do you want orange juice or tea?

Mr Chan: Husena, what is Newton's Second Law?
Jeryl: Newton's Second Law is... blah blah blah.
Mr Chan: Thank you, HUSENA.
Jeryl: (very long pause) Did he just call me Husena? My name isn't Husena!

Mr Evans: What is another term for long-distance travel?
Hui Erh: Give us a clue, Sir.
(Mr Evans writes "long-" on the whiteboard)
Mr Evans: It starts with 'h'.

x) i wish i had compiled other people's moments also, like Tian Le moments! or Hannah moments haha that would've been super funny too.

i'm bored to death and i miss school.

i never thought i'd say that.