about me
husena. tall. talkative. troublemaker.


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Thursday, February 26, 2009
my longest blog post yet
caution: long very long post ahead.

i have just discovered how to add cancellations on words by editing the html, so please bear with me if i begin using it obsessively.

let me start with an explanation to the new section on my blog called 'sums left to go'. see my maths tuition teacher told my mom i was lazy not hard working enough, and my mom added on saying that yes i surf the net too much. so i thought why not put a constant reminder on the net about how much work i have pending so i get off the computer faster? yes i know it's a wonderfully bright idea, thank you.

i went to watch slumdog millionaire with my family last saturday, and it's really a lovely movie. its posters say it's 'the feel-good movie of the year' and they're not kidding. it makes you go awww at the end and feel all warm and nice inside x) this is my favourite part (don't read if you haven't watched the movie. but actually it doesn't make much of a difference so it's entirely your choice):

(Jamal is acting like a tour guide at the Taj Mahal and has brought an American couple to see Mumtaz's tomb)

female tourist: (whispers) how did she die?

Jamal: (solemnly) traffic accident.

male tourist: i thought she died during childbirth?

Jamal: (just as solemnly) yes, she was on the way to the hospital.

HAHAHAHAHA. the movie made Americans look quite silly actually. but it's really worth watching, so try to catch it!

this week proved to be a week full of hilarious conversations. i can't be bothered to blog about all of them, so i chose the top 3! here they are:

hilarious conversation 1

(a JC1 PE class seems to be playing a weird game near us)

Sarah: what are they doing??

Hannah: they're playing musical chairs without chairs.

Sarah: (believing) really?

(Hannah makes a i-can't-believe-you-bought-that face)

Sarah: i can't believe i believed you.

hilarious conversation 2

(Jeryl attempts to trick me with a joke)

Jeryl: how many colours are there in the rainbow?

me: 7.

Jeryl: then how many colours are there in 7 rainbows?

me: 7 la.

Jeryl: damn you got it. let me try and trick Yanjun. (turns to Yanjun) eh Yanjun, how many colours are there in the rainbow?

(long pause)

Yanjun: (as if in deep thought) 6.

Jeryl: no, seriously.

Yanjun: (looks around nervously) it's 6 what!

okay for the next conversation, you have to know that Yanjun is a rather big sized guy from Judo.

hilarious conversation 3

(Jeryl and Cheeyang are having a discussion about their NS medical check ups)

Jeryl: look the nurse can't miss my vein (pointing at a popping vein on his arm)

Cheeyang: yeah.

Jeryl: or there's this one too (pointing at another) or this one... (this continues until Jeryl is done counting 7 veins)

me: (annoyed) why don't you just wait for the time to come and let the nurse decide which vein she wants to poke!

(a moment of silence)

Jeryl: i wonder what they'll use to poke Yanjun.


Jeryl: eh Yanjun have you ever taken an injection?

Yanjun: which injection?

Jeryl: any.

Yanjun: yeah, why?

Jeryl: what did they use to poke you?

(long pause)

Yanjun: titanium, i think.

HAHAHA. i have hilarious classmates, it makes school life very interesting.

anyway, i've decided to do another facebook quiz:


Let others know a little more about yourself, re-post this as your name followed by "ology"


What is your salad dressing of choice?

i'm not much of a salad eater.

What is your favorite sit-down restaurant?
or a outside food eater.

What food could you eat for 2 weeks straight and not get sick of it?

What are your pizza toppings of choice?
i'm not really fussy, i'll eat anything.

What do you like to put on your toast?
butter and jam, butter and honey, peanutbutter, peanutbutter and jam, nutella.


How many television sets are in your house?


What color of cell phone do you have?


Are you right-handed or left-handed?

Have you ever had anything removed from your body?
a viral wart HAHA.

What is the last heavy item you lifted?
my schoolbag.

Have you ever been knocked unconscious?


If it were possible, would you want to know the day you were going to die?


If you could change your name, what would you change it to?
i love my name very very much =)

Would you drink an entire bottle of hot sauce for $1000?


How many pairs of flip flops do you own?


Last time you had a run-in with the cops?

Last person you talked to?



there's only one season in s'pore, HOT. there's nothing favourite about it.

november-december school holidays! but i just had my last one last year, now no more =(

Day of the week?

february, for obvious reasons x)


Missing someone?

not really.


What are you listening to?
my mom's voice.


Worrying about?


First place you went this morning?

to the bathroom?

What's the last movie you saw?
slumdog millionaire!

Do you smile often?
i believe i do! those around me say i don't x)


1) Do you always answer your phone?

2) It's four in the morning and you get a text message, who is it?
stacey maybe haha.

3) If you could change your eye color what would it be?
green HAHA.

4) What flavor do you add to your drink at Sonic?

5) Do you own a digital camera?

6) Have you ever had a pet fish?
yeah pet fishes. they all died.

7) Favorite Christmas song?
all i want for christmas is you.

8) What's on your wish list for your birthday?
i got everything i wanted, thank you guys =)

9) Can you do push ups?

10) Can you do a chin up?

11) Does the future make you more nervous or excited?
more scared.

12) Do you have any saved texts?
a few.

13) Ever been in a car wreck?

14) Do you have an accent?
when i speak Gujrati apparently x) oh and sometimes i pronounce 'w' as 'v' and vice versa. what to do, i'm a true Indian.

15) What is the last song to make you cry?
Maa from Taare Zameen Par by Shankar Ehsaan Loy.

16) Plans tonight?

17) Have you ever felt like you hit rock bottom?

18) Name 3 things you bought in the last week
food, shoes, Sarah's present.

19) Have you ever been given roses?

20) Current worry?

21) Current hate right now?
i don't hate. i dislike.

22) Met someone who changed your life?

23) How did you bring in the New Year!

24) What song represents you?
Save Me. Smallville title song.

25) Name three people who might complete this?
Sarah, Hannah anddd Stacey!

26) What were you doing at 12 AM last night

27) What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up?
oh crap i'm late.

okay i'm tired of this blog post, and i'm sure you are too.

Saturday, February 21, 2009
wake me up inside
"Life is like a blanket too short. You pull it up and your toes rebel, you yank it down and shivers meander about your shoulder; but cheerful folks manage to draw their knees up and pass a very comfortable night."

- Marion Howard

husena is sleepy but stubborn. i have lots of work to do, and i don't know what i'm doing here. i just came back home from chem tuition, and now my brain is so drained =( i'm so scared, so very scared. i feel perpetually unprepared. unprepared for everything! not only academics. SIGH.

ah but i don't want to bore you guys to tears with my insecurities. this week has been really draining. i turned 18 a week ago and still haven't taken any advantage of the fact. i think i better register for driving soon! talking about birthdays, it was Shabbarbhai's (my brother's) birthday on the 17th. so let me just say,



in other news, yesterday during break Sarah, Yen, Cheeyang, Yanjun, Amos and i went to the library to study. but the guys were very restless and kept doing weird things, like record Yanjun's booming laughter, play it over and over and laugh themselves to stitches doing that. (i personally find his laughter rather scary x)) so Sarah, Yen and i decided we'd behave like we didn't know them if the librarian comes up. then after a while they settled down, and we thought that they'd finally decided to get some work done. we were wrong though:

x) anyway. i keep getting tagged for all sorts of quizzes on facebook, but i guess i don't feel too comfortable posting them there for people i hardly ever speak to to see. i'll post one here instead, taking the idea from Tasneem =)

25 random facts about me:

1. i like green.
2. i like green apples.
3. i like green M&Ms.
4. i like green skittles.
5. i like sour skittles,
6. because they come in a green packet.
7. but i don't like green grapes,
8. just because.
9. i want a new phone,
10. not because i don't like my phone,
11. but because i just like new things,
12. i mean who doesn't?
13. i sleep late,
14. i wake up early,
15. and take long afternoon naps.
16. and i don't know why i found that important enough to mention it here.
17. i sleep with a pillow,
18. a bolster,
19. and my favouritest soft toy in the world, Kitty Katty.
20. i've learnt Malay in school for 13 years,
21. but i still can't speak it without pausing after every 3 words to form the next 3.
22. but my mother tongue is Gujrati,
23. i can speak Gujrati and understand Gujrati,
24. but i wish i could read Gujrati and write Gujrati.
25. and i have come to the end of this pointless quiz-like thing.


Saturday, February 14, 2009
friday the 13th
was my birthday! to be honest, i was quite dreading it because i thought it'd been ruined by the fact that i suddenly had 2 extra classes after school, but i had forgotten that i was surrounded by WONDERFUL people, who didn't give me a chance to feel that way at all. and so i have to thank some people! (this sounds so much like an oscar's speech it's scary.) okay you know what, scratch that. i don't want to thank some people, i want to announce how grateful i am to have these people in my life =)

1. my family

i mean, whose mom is cute enough to send me a happy birthday sms exactly when the time on my handphone switched from 11.59pm to 12.00am other than mine? =) and a sister who is adorable enough to send me a long sweet letter that moved me to tears other than mine? i'm grateful to Allah that i've been blessed with such a wonderful family. a family i can laugh with openly, a family i can cry with openly, a family i can share secrets with comfortably, a family who accepts me not with all my flaws but BECAUSE of all my flaws, and a family i love unconditionally and very very much. thank you for making my every birthday a birthday worth remembering.

2. A.M.I.N.A.H.

what would i do without you guys! i would've been completely lost in JC at the start if it was not for you guys. it's funny how we knew each other from sec 1, but only really got to know each other at the end of sec 4! thank you for the yan-yan cake x) and the beautiful present! i don't say it often enough, but i love you guys, A LOT A LOT A LOT.

3. Stacey

5 years and running i've known this beautiful girl, both inside and out. thank you for the equally beautiful present dear! in your card you thanked me for being there for you, but really it's me who should thank you for sharing your world with me and letting me share mine with you. thank you for being there for me whenever i needed a shoulder to cry on, or whenever i needed someone to share my happiness with. i love you <3

4. 09SO3B

Sarah, Yen, Hannah, Huiwen & Munir, thank you for the lovely presents =) especially to Sarah and Yen who "walked until their feet rotted" (i quote Yen!) to find me those presents. Jeryl, thank you for getting the cake =) and to the rest of the class, thank you for all the birthday wishes and for singing the birthday song for me twice, YELLING my name a few hundred times the second time so that practically the entire canteen found out it was my birthday x) thank you for making JC life bearable and for letting me have a reason to get out off bed in the morning of school days =)

5. Chewmin

thank you for the gorgeous present dear =) after talking to you yesterday and the day before, i realise how much i miss you. we must catch up soon!

6. masjid girls

thank you for all the wishes =) especially Zahra and Maryam, thank you for staying up till 12 just to wish me =) i've known most of you practically my whole life, and i'm really grateful that i have you guys in my life. i wouldn't trade it for the world. and no matter which part of the world we end up in later (like India for Tasneem x)) i hope we can keep in touch forever and ever. i love you guys =)

7. Os

thank you for staying up and talking to me for so long in the middle of the night =) i've always known of your existence for the past 5 years, but we only really got to know each other last year and i'm really grateful that we did. you've been a great friend, and i hope i've been for you too.
Yeh dosti hum nahin todenge
Todenge dum magar tera saath na chhodenge.

8. everyone else who wished me!

whether it was through sms, phonecall, facebook or email, i'm very happy that you guys remembered and bothered to wish me =) thank you!

half of my friends forget my birthday in the excitement of valentines day, and wish me a few days later when they remember. i remember being very disappointed last year on my birthday, when i expected too much from people. this year i took mummy's advice and didn't expect too much. and that's exactly what made such a great difference =) i was pleasantly surprised when i got presents from people i least expected to give, and when people i hardly speak to found it important enough to remember my birthday and wish me. that's why i unabashedly told Stace and Sarah: i love birthdays! especially mine!

i wish everyday were my birthday.


Tuesday, February 10, 2009
my name is aminah
for more information about the above mentioned incident, please approach me personally and ask. it's seriously the dumbest thing that could've possibly happened with me. now instead of saying hi when she sees me in school, farhanah points and laughs. and now instead of saying just hi husena like he used to, sadikin says: hi husena. so anymore drama? so you can imagine x)

anyway, i haven't blogged in a century! yeah that's because i really haven't had the time. so! many things have happened since i last blogged.

1. take 5!

it was fun at times, boring at times. i'll just put up a few pics to make up for my lack of explanation about the event x)

2. mcs orientation!

my group was rather slack and so we surprised ourselves and came in second for the amazing race thing. i didn't bring my camera so i don't have any pictures! i got this picture of my group from arina's album on facebook. go there to see more if you like!

3. shopping with my family on sunday!

my family and i haven't been to orchard in the longest time, so we finally did on sunday =) it was so much fun! and my stomach didn't even start hurting too much. (see i'm sort of allergic to shopping, everytime i go shopping my stomach starts hurting x) something psychological la! because i don't like shopping so my body's response is as such)

anyway, and then we were trying to decide where to have dinner. the choices had narrowed down to:
ayam penyet house!
ojalali (?! some indonesian restaurant my dad had heard of)

where did we end up? yes that's right, java restaurant! because my family makes choices so easily and unanimously see x)

okay that's pretty much it! i have LOTS of maths tuition hw to do, so i better get down to it!

Monday, February 2, 2009

(my personal favourite!)


Sunday, February 1, 2009
lost in a february song
wow it's february already. one month has passed and well, i feel even less prepared for the A levels than ever before. i have to say that i'm scared, scared out of my mind. i really need to calm down.

mummy told me that the state of my hair reflects the state of my mind. and WELL. everyone has seen the state of my hair x) my lovely classmates say my hair looks like it's having a rock and roll dance party. and guang keeps calling me superman coz of my curly fringe that comes out no matter what way i try and pin it up x)

anywayyy. today is Bhen's waras (birthday in the Islamic calendar)! and last night, my parents held a function for her at the masjid (mosque). i was very sad actually, because it's Bhen's last waras with us =( ahhhhh why do girls have to move away from their families! it's so unfair. but i guess it's a man's world afterall. anyway, i have to blog about a few silly things that happened during this function, coz it was one of the most eventful functions yet x)

the function was going to start at 6.40pm, but my family decided to leave the house earlier because we had some stuff to finish up at the masjid first. and since Chingay was last night too, the Nicoll Highway was going to be closed at 5.30pm. so we decided to leave at 5. of course, whenever we decide to leave at a certain time, it's very likely that we end up leaving later, so when we finally left the house we were already rushing like crazy.

that was when i noticed that the sole of my Neckerman's was coming loose. we were getting late so i decided to just get in the car anyway. and so as we drive there, my family starts discussing about how we might not make it in time and they'll close the Nicoll Highway. and this was what it sounded like:

Mummy: how will they close the roads? at exactly 5.30 they'll block the road and insist that all the cars just turn back?

Bhen: yes, a bunch of policemen will stand in a row on the road and stop the cars.

Alef: yes that's right, a few accidents must be happening every year as well.

Bhen: that's the only way policemen in Singapore can die on duty.

HAHAHA. i love my family. so anyway, we did make it on time and didn't run over any policemen in the process. then later on during the function, my mom felt that we might not have enough juice to serve. so she sent Bhen, Alef and me to Cold Storage in Funan to get more juice. see, the 3 of us were wearing very different colours, Bhen was wearing bright red, Alef was wearing bright green and i was wearing bright blue. so i guess we looked kind of comical. i only realised exactly how comical we looked when a Malay family walked past us and spoke to each other in Malay thinking we didn't know what they were saying. they said something along these lines:

"eh eh look at those people's clothes! how funny!"

"where where?? oh yah they look so funny! oh i know! they must be taking part in Chingay!"

HAHAHA. it's fun being Indian and knowing Malay. i get to hear all sorts of hilarious things everyday. so anyway, we get the juice and begin walking back to the masjid. and then as we walk through Peninsular Plaza, the sole of my Neckerman's completely comes off, and i can't walk with my flapping slipper. and so, i had to put my arm around Bhen's shoulder and hop, yes HOP, all the way back to the masjid. I KNOW RIGHT. i felt so silly x) everyone kept staring.

okay anyway, i suddenly lost the urge to blog, i don't know why x) anyway, let me just say this:


i love youuuuuu.